Here are: 35 short little words to return to infastructure employment under a straitght Respublican Majority in the Whitehouse and Congress. It's the ADOPT A BRIDGE to Someplace SPECIAL campaign (as opposed to the old corrupt Alaskan bridge to nowhere thanks to form4er Senator Ted Stevens)
1. Repeal Dodd Frank
2 Restore Community Development Block Committees on the Local Level
3/ Make Municipal Bonds the Patriotic Alternative to Tax Increases
4. Initiate ADOPT A BRIDGE Campaign for Spring of 2013
5.GET AMERICA Back to Work
1. Repeal Dodd Frank
THe one page legislation rammed down the American People's throat in the closin days of the Dick Cheny administration --) could not be amended like a Christmas Tree or vetoed should it come to that .
2 Restore Community Development Block Committees on the Local Level
In 1976 when our Jeffery was born I worked for a while as Administrative Assistant to the late M. Russll Gantge, Mayor of Provo Utah. I had been a radio news reporter and he had sold adveertising, though we were from two different generations of Provo Radioactives.
3. Make Municipal Bonds the Patriotic Alternative to Tax Increases
My friend Starley Bush spotted this hole in my reasoning after a career orf investing in the stock market and running K-TALK Radio in Salt Lake City: Municipal Bonds pay the lowest rates in the market. (So did Government Savings bonds during WWII, but kids picked up bottles and grew svictory gardens to buy savings stamps and supported the war effort with every fiber in their being.
4. Initiate ADOPT A BRIDGE Campaign for Spring of 2013
Ronald Reagan coined the term "Government is not the solution, Government is the PROBLEM!" (maybe it was Peggy Noonan his lovely Irish Democrat speech writer wrote READ MY LIPS NO NEW TAXES for George H.W. Bush) A little history here: Ben Franklin's only concern with a national gogernment was to make sure the post office system had some central control. General later President George Washington used a salty term to refer to a standing army: He called it an "erect membeer" with nothing to do in time of peace.
Washington believed as Dick Cheney does that the National Government would best be defended by a national milita--the guard and reserve. Patrick Henry smelled a rat at both continental congresses and advised delegates to be very careful unleashing the TAX MAN....and yet today we spend money on Brazilian Butterfly Studies and think little of it....because some well meaning representative of our pocket book traded away tax resouces for a few ear marks and somebody elses's idea of what is laughingly called NATIONAL DEFENSE. ( P.R. experts for the Eisenhower White House got him to label the Interstate Highway system THE NATIONAL DEFENSE HIGH WAY SYSTEM and congress funded it with virtually no quesions asked.
When Ameica was climbing out of a depression created in large part by the unchecked excesses of Wall Street, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Democratic patrician from New York had the good sense to nationalize American will and do busy work in the name of tax funded job creation. Every President Since has had their New Frontierrs, their Great Societies, New Covenants and Moral Equivalents of War. The incumbent has been far less effective at coming up with a name for anything with the possible exception of Obama Care...but the pendulum of Government solving the problems of America has just agout run it's string.
I was there one Tuesday morning in 1976 when Ron Madsen, the Provo City Staff member in charge of Community Development Block Grants hosted a Brooks Brothers tailored Wall Street type in a three piece suit into the Mayor's and Commissioner's Offices. It was about 9:30 AM and most voters were hard at work when this ceremony took place.
No matter. What happened was a matter of public record. The fair haired, red faced, freckle faced professional brought a briefcase filled with official paper work to allow Mayor Grange, Commissioners Hillier and Miner and the City Clerk to sign on the dotted line to Guarantee Provo's full faith and credit to several million dollars worth of Muncipal bonds at then 1976 prices to be paid back with 1996 value-- not a penny in new loxal taxes!
5.GET AMERICA Back to Work!!
Jon Robert Howe
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